Hey Let's Go Out and Do Something to help save the Earth!
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What is this EAT Community Thing and How can it help Me and Also Make the Planet Better? How Great is That!!!

Creating a Community of Eco-Champions. Uniting people for a common cause: A Healthier Planet.

Get or give knowledge advice to help you boost your income and create planet bettering and financial security.

Nothing in life ever stands still! You either need or can give loving and caring mentoring to our Community.
Let's Get Serious - There is no Planet-B
The Ecolonomic Action Team EAT Community is here for you FREE to give you the tools you need to Make Some Money and to Make People and the Planet Better!

Take Our Brief Planet Changing Eco Challenge
Kickstart your ecolonomic success with our 2 minute Assessment!
Get the Best Ecological and Environmental Information
Our comprehensive blog has everything you need to better understand how you can make some money making the planet better!
See below our most recent blogs and click below to go to all the hundreds (over 500) articles we have written through the years.
Click Here to See All Our Blog ArticlesNICE TO MEET YOU
I'm Wayne Dorband
Hi, I am a Serial entrepreneur with 45+ years of ecological and environmental business experience. I am the EAT Community Chief Ecolonomic Instigator and the mastermind behind the EAT paradigm. Gaining guidance from other entrepreneurs in the marketing industry, I created this platform with the esteemed regenerative agriculturist Mark Shepard to build a place for everyone to gain the necessary skills to live an ecolonomic lifestyle.
I currently run CEED, LLC, a sustainable ecological business park in the Pacific Northwest, near Boise ID. I oversee operations on multiple businesses nationwide and am the CEO & president of the Institute of Ecolonomics, a 501c3 nonprofit, started by the late actor/environmental activist Dennis Weaver.

"The community has helped change my life! Members have helped me more than I could ever imagine. The information here is worth so much and it is FREE!"
- Lesley Laws, Spain
Homesteader and Activist

"Thanks so much Wayne and all the presenters. This is the most information rich group I know about online or offline. I really appreciate being a part of EAT. I recommend lifetime membership in this group for anyone who wants to learn how to be productive and profitable in agriculture, or even simply "homesteading", or making a living from the land."
- Marvin Weber, Canada

"Absolutely one of the best and most comprehensive presentation on operating a small farm, the economics of it, and how to scale production I have ever seen, Bravo...."
- Bryant Redhawk, USA
The EcoMastery School
Take control of your financial and Earth Improving future with these comprehensive courses and Lessons. Browse Our Lessons By Speaker. These are just a few of our hundreds of amazing speaker/teachers we have had the privilege to have with us through the years.
Click on any picture and learn a little about these rock-stars and what they have taught about at EAT.
Mark Shepard - Forest Ecology
Elaine Ingham - Soil Food Web
Sara Mayer - Profitable Poultry Farming
William Horvath - Permaculture Apprentice
Hugh Goble - Business Plan for your Farm
Areeb Ali - Virtual Assistants for your business
Alan Booker - Ecological Solar Design
Chris Searles - Biospheric Restoration
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Ecological freedom is a marathon, not a sprint. We’ll guide you to the finish line with regular bite-sized advice, and invites to our webinar/podcasts
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Features and Benefits

Education & Training
Accesss to educational resources and training on sustainable business practices and environmental stewardship.

Network and Collaborate
Opportunities to network and collaborate with other individuals and organizations interested in sustainability and ecolonomics.

Influence Policy Makers
Opportunities to engage with and influence policymakers and regulators on issues related to sustainability and ecolonomics.

Provide Social Impact
Opportunities to participate in sustainable business projects and initiatives that promote positive social and environmental impact.

Funding & Support
Access to funding and other forms of financial support for sustainable business projects and initiatives.

Make a Fair Profit
Promote and showcase sustainable business practices and products to consumers and stakeholders.